Call Mike: 612-991-0263
Mike has an office located in Hudson, Wisconsin, which is just 20 minutes from downtown Minneapolis/St. Paul. Territory responsibility includes Minneapolis/St. Paul, Southern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin to Green Bay, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and Iowa.
Mike obtained his CPMR (Certified Professional Manufacturers Representative) at the University of Arizona.
Certified Professional Manufacturers Representative
Mike Mattis, CPMR, CPSC
During the three years of the CPMR certification program, participants create an international network of colleagues in diverse industries. They acquire a common body of knowledge and mutual ethical standards. Reaching beyond a single industry and across borders CPMR identifies individuals that are committed to being on the leading edge.
Prior to 2000, Mike was employed with Paul E. Robey and Associates, an independent rep firm based in Minneapolis, Minnesota since 1963, as a sales representative. Mike is a 1987 Graduate of UW River Falls with a B.S. Degree in Sociology/Psychology.
Cell: 612-991-0263